Jumat, 15 Mei 2015

Thunder Element

General: Thunder magic most often manifests in individuals that possess an abundance of confidence and a strong desire to lead. Thunder personalities are arrogant, prideful, self-centered, and boastful loud-mouths. They prefer to face problems head on with a direct show of force and intimidation. They perceive themselves to be naturally born leaders-of-men that should be followed for the good of the people. They can tend towards hypocrisy. Thunder personas are very likely to be dissatisfied with any given system and can frequently be found rebelling against something or other; typical rabble-rousers. Thunder is a purely offensive element with almost no defensive techniques.

Judge: A Thunder individual with a desire to define or redefine the concept and reach of "Law" is likely a Judge personality-type. Judge personalities are the least likely of the Thunder personas to be at odds with the system of government in control. They do, however, still want to be in charge. Judges like to portray an air of authority, whether or not they actually possess any, as well as a pretense of impartial mediation, which they may or may not actually attempt to live up to.

Demagogue: A Thunder individual with a desire to lead the population through speech and rabble-rousing tactics is probably of the Demagogue personality-type. Demagogues are fond of making impassioned speeches as a form of public appeal and are very comfortable within the realm of politics. However, Demagogues tend to lose touch with the "common folk" once they've achieved positions of power. At this point, that case may be that their motives more than likely are for their own benefit, rather than the common good.

Inciter: A Thunder individual with a penchant for being more "hands-on" with his/her rebellions will be of the Inciter personality-type. The Inciter personality is more along the lines of a general or a field commander than a politician or other authority figure. Unlike the Judge or the Demagogue who will try to inflame the public into action through speeches and other forms of less direct intervention, Inciters are more than perfectly willing to throw the first punch on their own and lead the revolution from the streets.

Source: http://spookybishop.deviantart.com/art/Element-Personalities-158637670


  •     Lightning/Electricity is sometimes paired with air or fire, but more often is considered a separate form of power. In most games, it forms the basic trio of available powers. Lightning usually carries the same connotations as fire, but may also include speed (i.e.: "moves like lightning") or mild insanity (from having fried his brain too many times), or even more. Like fire it's sometimes an ability of The Smart Guy as controlling and conducting electricity is integral to modern day gadgets. Usually depicted as either very yellow or very blue, although in real life it's actually more often white.
  •     Ice/Snow: may or may not be combined with water or air. As a separate element, it carries connotations of coolness, detachment, harshness, and even death. As a foil to fire they tend to be The Lancer or villains, and play Blue Oni to anyone's Red. Like the rest of its trio it can be The Smart Guy, likely because old monasteries, libraries and places of learning are known for being cold inside. They'll be scholarly, by the book smart guys however instead of techies or curious types. Snow is almost the same as Ice generally but carries connotations of fun, softness, cheerfulness, and even love.
  •     Light/Holy: Light can be for healing or destruction. Commonly used by angels, priests, and the forces of heaven (even if they're not the good guys). Light is, however, usually associated with absolute good. Sometimes mixed with Lightning or Fire. May also be portrayed as Sunlight.
  •     Darkness/Shadow: Even if Dark Is Not Evil, the vast majority of bad guys will use this. Often causes Standard Status Effects or Instant Death. Usually the opposite of and weak to Light. Occasionally manifests as gravity-based powers (as in black hole).
  •     Life/Nature/Wood: May or may not be combined with Light, or may be concerned more with healing and/or Plant life. Also tends to cause Standard Status Effects, usually positive ones or poison. Often combined with Wind in Asian settings or Earth in Western settings. Also manifests as Petal Power attacks.
  •     Animals: May be combined with Life/Nature/Wood, or be fueled by Heart. Sometimes limited to specific types of animals (land, sea, sky) or all animals. A character with this power can likely talk to animals, possess animals, fuel themselves with the power of animals up to and including transforming, or summon creatures to their aid. Often Closer to Earth. Stands opposed to Metal, Technology, Poison and Death.
  •     Machines: Similar to the above but with machines instead of living creatures. Often related to Lightning and Metal. Usually a Gadgeteer Genius will have this power.
  •     Crystal: Sometimes combined with Light (via Power Crystal), but usually lumped with Earth since crystals are from earth. An even weirder category for this is Ice, but often, it is a standalone element that works as Non-Elemental. Often associated with piercing or cutting attacks.
  •     Death: Just as Life may get combined with Light in some settings, Death often gets lumped in with Darkness (or occasionally Void). As its own element, death magic is usually focused on destruction, defilement, and summoning spirits from the less-than-pleasant parts of the afterlife. Sometimes overlaps with Time (via Rapid Aging and You Can't Fight Fate) or Poison. Expect practitioners of Death magic to have made some sort of infernal pact or sacrifice in order to obtain their power. High-end Death attacks tend to have permanent effects that are difficult to remove. Ironically, it can sometimes be used to revive someone just like Life magic, as long as you're not concerned about them coming back intact. That said, if Dark Is Not Evil, then Death doesn't have to be, either. After all, natural death is just as much a part of life as anything else.
  •     Heart/Love: The element of emotions and spirit. May involve empathic abilities, The Power of Friendship and/or love, or healing. On the other hand, it may involve focusing that power into a coherent beam of destruction (in which case it may be conflated with Light or Life). Usually turns out to be either the most powerful element of all, or the most useless. Sometimes the claim it's the former when it's really the latter. Heart is also more often than not used as a sort of glue for combining powers together, so this is often the power of the leader, even if they aren't very strong themselves.
  •     Metal/Steel: Either a subset of Earth (including metals and non-metals) or contrasted against Earth (metal alloys as opposed to non-metal rocks). Metal is used for either ridiculously high defensive capabilities (clang) or offensive capabilities (stabby). It has associations with strength, technology, civilization, rigidity, craftsmanship, and determination. Even though it's like a stronger version of Earth, it's also sterile, inflexible, cold, and can't bear life like Earth can. Often opposed by Nature or Wood. The easiest of the elemental powers to produce Magitek from. Metal is rarely seen as a classical element or power outside of Asia (and China in particular).
  •     Soul/Spirit/Aura: The ability to manipulate spiritual energy, or spirits themselves. This is occasionally involved with religion, too. People possessing this power can probably talk to the dead, as well. Sometimes related to necromancy, Psychic Powers, Faux Flame, and especially Ki Attacks. This can be either a villainous or heroic power, depending on how it's portrayed.
  •     (Pure) Energy/Magic: Pure magical power or energy as Non-Elemental power. Might involve runes or glyphs. Thematically relates to either the mind or wisdom, or to the primal form of energy you get when you stick all the others together. Generally of neutral alignment to other elemental types, sort of a Jack of All Stats of elemental powers. If it is opposed, expect it to be against Heart (rationalism vs emotionalism). May be functionally interchangeable with Psychic Powers or a dumping ground for a setting's magical effects which can't be tied into any standard element.
  •     Poison: Powers relating to poison, acid, disease and sometimes garbage and pollution. Can be classified as an element and/or status effect depending on the work. Sometimes folded into Death, though it can also be a more sinister application of Life (by supercharging the micro-organisms that cause disease).
  •     Lava: May overlap with fire due to both being hot substances, even though it's molten rock, so if anything it should be part of earth. Usually stresses the more negative connotations of fire, and may be considered "hellish".
  •     Sol/Sun: Power relating to the sun. It's usually something of a mix of Fire and Light. May involve gravity, as well.
  •     Luna/Moon: Power relating to the moon. Can be considered evil, but not always. Usually relates to werewolves, and by extension insanity or confusion. May involve power in exchange for sanity. It may also involve water, since the moon's gravity controls the ocean's tides.
  •     Star: Power relating to the stars and celestial bodies. Most commonly associated with divination and manipulating fate, but it also has some elemental properties. Most commonly, this takes the form of calling forth shooting stars to hit people with. It's not unheard of for Star to eat the Sun and/or Moon elements, and/or to overlap with Space, Ice or Void elements.
  •     Sound: Using sound as a method of attacking and/or battling with an instrument falls under this section.
  •     Radiation: Generally of the gamma kind, the kind related to reactors, bombs, and fallout. You're probably not going to see this very often at all, for obvious reasons, and when you do it'll generally be either Bad Powers, Bad People or serious Blessed with Suck. Has the potential to be Darker and Edgier than dark. May overlap with light, if portrayed negatively, since radiation is often associated with light (i.e. the Sun itself, that gives us light and skin cancer).
  •     Time: Controlling the flow of time. The ability to stop time, slow time down, speed up time, etc.
  •     Space/Gravity: The ability to control the fabric of space. Teleportation, causing objects to phase in and out, or the ability to control gravity is usually included.
  •     Void: This is generally considered to be even Darker and Edgier than Darkness. Generally involves erasing things from existence, whether via black hole, draining Life Energy, or simply causing a Cessation of Existence. Rarely has an opposing element.
Source: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ElementalPowers


General: Metal magic most often manifests in individuals that with great willpower and a desire to "better" the world. Metal persons are extremely stubborn and do not believe in compromise. They believe in very clear definitions of right and wrong, acceptable and unacceptable, and winner and loser. They are extremely confident, though in a more stoic and less outspoken manner. Metal personas are rarely leaders, though they often serve as second-in-command or serve as the backbone of an organization or group. It is difficult to convince a Metal personality to change his/her mind, but once his/her mind has changed, expect him/her to jump to the opposite extreme of the argument; Metal persons do not believe in finding middle ground. They believe in the steady march of improvement and the betterment of mankind. Metal is a very balanced element, equally useful for offense and defense.

Builder: A Metal individual with a desire to improve people's lives is likely of the Builder personality-type. Builders are "can-do" types with an almost bottomless well of determination. They believe in their own power to change the world for the better and will strive endlessly to make their visions come to fruition.

Warrior: A Metal individual who desires to rid the world of those who would deny others the progress of civilization is almost certainly of the Warrior personality-type. Warriors are judgmental and will likely view you as an enemy before they ever count you among their friends. Warriors believe in confronting problems directly and before they can become too serious a threat.

Sentinel: A Metal individual whose desire is to safeguard civilization from those who would seek to tear it down is probably a member of the Sentinel personality-type. Sentinels believe that the world is progressing, but that there are those that would prefer it didn't. Sentinels consider themselves safeguards against corruption and dissidence, both from without and within.

Source: http://spookybishop.deviantart.com/art/Element-Personalities-158637670


General: Ice magic most often manifests in individuals that are fearful or wary of their emotions and their humanity. Ice personalities very rarely express their true feelings, instead opting to hide behind a facade of impartiality or logic. Ice people can be considered cold-hearted due to their seeming lack of emotion, but this is a misconception; an Ice individual will likely have very strong convictions and feelings hidden beneath their "shell." When provoked sufficiently, they can explode violently, in similar fashion to Fire personalities. Ice individuals are wary and even fearful of change, as with change comes destruction. Most Ice personas are notably pessimistic. Ice is primarily a defensive element, though offensive tactics are known to be used when called for.

Cynic: An Ice individual whose chosen mask consists of snark and sarcasm can most likely be categorized as the Cynic personality-type. Cynics, unlike other Ice personalities, don't necessarily wish to have an appearance of neutrality and do choose sides on an issue publicly. Despite their willingness to choose a side, Cynics are still pessimistic and will likely "joke" about failure, often in a very Gallows Humor sense. Cynics, despite this pessimism, are not likely to go against (in the sense of betray) their comrades for any reason. They are very suspicious of people in power. And people out of power. In fact, they're just suspicious of everybody.

Scientist: An Ice individual who hides behind a veil of impartiality and clinical study is likely of the Scientist personality-type. Scientists are obsessed with "knowing" and have a hard time accepting the limitations of study and experimentation. Scientists are perhaps the "coldest" of the Ice personas as they opt to forego human contact entirely in favor of work, study, etc. Scientists' fear of their own emotions have made them decide to attempt to ignore them completely, rather than just hiding or repressing them.

Shyer: An Ice individual who hides their feelings through silence and fears other people is likely of the Shyer personality-type. Shyers, like the other Ice personalities have difficulty expressing themselves do to their own apprehension towards their feelings. Most Shyer's, however, would like to express themselves, but find themselves unable to do so, often for fear of others' reactions to their thoughts. Shyers tend to be extremely silent, rarely speaking within the presence of all but the closest of friends and family.

Source: http://spookybishop.deviantart.com/art/Element-Personalities-158637670


Fire is energy, will, boldness, frankness, and candor.
Fire ElementProperties of Fire Element are warmth and dryness.
Key notions of Fire Element are energy, activity, idea.

Internal essence of the fire element

The internal essence of the fire element is pitilessness - fire element burns mercilessly. The fire element likes to govern, rule over others, order people about. The fire element is very beautiful and bright, aspiring to be handsome and defiant. The basic feature of fire element is demonstrative behaviour.
People of fire element are hot and fiery tempered; they possess agile mind and quick wits. People of fire element are not predisposed to long explanations and are impatient in trifles; however, they are bright and capable to grasp the meaning of the main things quickly. People of fire element do everything thoughtlessly and frequently commit rash actions. At the same time they do not regret the results of their own impetuosity. They have a hot blood and a hot head. People of fire element are extremely sexual. Their temperament is explosive. Their warm-heartedness and fervor attract people. As a rule, people of fire element are successful in life, but if they are not lucky, failures follow one another.

Compatibility of the fire element

People of fire element should choose fiends and beloved ones among their own signs and air. At the same time fire element is incompatible with water. Water either evaporates, or it extinguishes the fire element. Fire element gets on badly with earth as there is always a danger that earth will cool fire element, and the fire element can burn the earth.


Air ElementAir is intelligence.
Properties of Air Element are warmth and humidity.
Key notions of Air Element are circulation, communication, information.

Internal essence of the air element

Air element is endowed with the heightened receptivity. This is the leading quality because gases in space can penetrate everywhere. It provides high ability to the interaction, based on observation. Against the internal background of the air element one can notice anxiety, fussiness, nervousness, and increased uneasiness. People of air element will never hurt themselves, they do not feel keenly. Their emotions are not destructive because they calm down quickly. Mind of air element helps to evade destruction.
The characteristic features of air element are attention, changeability, sincerity, and openness. Air element is able to escape without staying too long. Upward movement occurs due to the intellectual superiority. On negative background the air element is garrulous because of excessive openness.
People of air element are very sociable and are peculiar guides, intermediaries among various people and even groups. Distinctive features of air element are quick-wittedness, cheerful, bright character, loquacity, and sociability. Particularities of air element people are juridical, reasonable arguments and explanations. Therefore air element is associated with thinking and imagination. People of air element live in the world of ideas, thoughts and associations. They like to operate with logic arguments and possess clear, sober judgment.

Compatibility of the air element

According their air element these people should choose friends and sweethearts belonging to the elements of air, fire and earth.

Source: http://whatismysign.net/what-is-my-element/air-element

Finding Your Element In Wicca

Clockwise from top: Air, Earth, Fire, Water.
A lot of young Wiccans are eager to find their elements. I don’t mean to burst any bubbles, but traditionally in Wicca there is no such thing. Yes, you read that right. I know that’s not a popular opinion these days because the idea has gained recent popularity, but please follow my reasoning before you dismiss it.
I remember when this idea began popping up in the last 10 or 15 years, a lot of us long-time Wiccans looked at each other with furrowed brows and asked, “Huh?” I tried hunting down the source-- nearest I can tell, the idea came from fiction and cartoons and made their way into bad Wicca 101 books and the kind of websites I tend not to recommend because they present every New Age concept as Wiccan.
First, it should be understood, Elements Earth, Air, Fire, Water are not the same thing as dirt, oxygen, flames and H20. The Spiritual Elements – capital “E” – together make up everything in life.
For Example, the Element of Water (capitalized) is not just the stuff that pours out of your faucets or fills your pool. Water is H20, and H20 is the most pure symbol of the Element, but the Element of Water is so much more than that. It’s also intuition, it’s string instruments, it’s silver jewelry, it’s fish, it’s the moon, it’s being wishy-washy, it’s being nurturing, it’s both compassion and depression, it’s drowning, it’s the sunset hour, it’s peeing and drooling. The Element of Water is infused in every aspect of life, and this is so with the other three as well.
Second, the very notion that someone is “an Element” would contradict a key tenet of Wicca—which is to find balance in all things. If you were one Element, you would be an incredibly imbalanced person. If you lean that heavily toward one Element, it would mean you need less of it, and you need more of the other three.
Some would argue, saying something like: But my astrological sign is (fill in the blank), making my Element (fill in the blank)! Yes, I know—astrological signs fall under the Elements as well. Just because your astrological element’s influence is Water doesn’t mean Water is your only Element. For one thing, your Sun sign is not your only astrological sign (you also have a Moon sign, an Ascending sign, and all those houses in your chart with different planets).
Water touches everyone’s life in many ways, as do all the Elements. One of the ways it influences you is through your Sun sign; that doesn't make it your one and only Element.
But I have an affinity for (fill in the blank) because (fill in the blank)! The word “affinity” simply means you like something. I have an affinity for chocolate, that doesn’t make me the element of chocolate (though—it might be fun).
Basic Element Info
Masculine, projective element connected to rational thought, the mind, intellect, wisdom, communication, etc.
Corresponding to the North, the winter season, middle of the night.
Feminine, receptive, connected to stability, practicality, materialism, the physical world, etc.
Corresponding to the East, to the spring season, to sunrise time,
Masculine, projective, connected to the will, passion, creativity, etc.
Corresponding to the South, to the summer season, to midday (noon).
Feminine, receptive, connected to the emotions, intuition, mysterious, the subconscious, etc.
Corresponding to the West, to the fall season, to twilight time.

Source: http://wiccansage.hubpages.com/hub/Wicca-for-Beginners-Elemental-Powers-and-Finding-Your-Element