General: Thunder magic most often manifests in individuals that possess an abundance of confidence and a strong desire to lead. Thunder personalities are arrogant, prideful, self-centered, and boastful loud-mouths. They prefer to face problems head on with a direct show of force and intimidation. They perceive themselves to be naturally born leaders-of-men that should be followed for the good of the people. They can tend towards hypocrisy. Thunder personas are very likely to be dissatisfied with any given system and can frequently be found rebelling against something or other; typical rabble-rousers. Thunder is a purely offensive element with almost no defensive techniques.
Judge: A Thunder individual with a desire to define or redefine the concept and reach of "Law" is likely a Judge personality-type. Judge personalities are the least likely of the Thunder personas to be at odds with the system of government in control. They do, however, still want to be in charge. Judges like to portray an air of authority, whether or not they actually possess any, as well as a pretense of impartial mediation, which they may or may not actually attempt to live up to.
Demagogue: A Thunder individual with a desire to lead the population through speech and rabble-rousing tactics is probably of the Demagogue personality-type. Demagogues are fond of making impassioned speeches as a form of public appeal and are very comfortable within the realm of politics. However, Demagogues tend to lose touch with the "common folk" once they've achieved positions of power. At this point, that case may be that their motives more than likely are for their own benefit, rather than the common good.
Inciter: A Thunder individual with a penchant for being more "hands-on" with his/her rebellions will be of the Inciter personality-type. The Inciter personality is more along the lines of a general or a field commander than a politician or other authority figure. Unlike the Judge or the Demagogue who will try to inflame the public into action through speeches and other forms of less direct intervention, Inciters are more than perfectly willing to throw the first punch on their own and lead the revolution from the streets.
Source: http://spookybishop.deviantart.com/art/Element-Personalities-158637670